Frontier Design Prize 2023- palkinto Yrjö Sotamaalle

Professori Yrjö Sotamaa on saanut arvostetun Frontier Design Prize 2023- palkinnon. Frontier Design Prize (FDP) on yksi maailman arvostetuimmista muotoilupalkinnoista, jonka tavoitteena on kannustaa muotoiluinnovaatioita, tehostaa muotoilun vaikutusta teollisen muutoksen ajamiseen ja edistää muotoilun roolia paremman maailman muovaamisessa.

Palkinto on World Design Cities Conference (WDCC) keskeinen ohjelma, jonka toteuttaa WDO Member Design Innovation Institute Shanghai (DIIS) Shanghain kaupunginhallituksen ohjauksessa. Palkinto jaetaan Shanghaissa World Design Capital Conferenssin avajaisissa syyskuun 26. päivänä klo 14. 


”Professor Yrjö Sotamaa is an internationally awarded expert in design education, design research and design strategy. He is founder and first President of Cumulus Association, the founding father of Aalto University in Finland and the founder of the Sino Finnish Centre at Tongji University, Shanghai. He Professor Emeritus of Aalto University, a long time President of the University of Art and Design Helsinki and Professor & Honorary Dean of the College of Design and Innovation D&I at Tongji University. He was a key architect in shaping the Finnish National Design Strategy,played a pivotal role in shaping the User-driven Innovation Strategy of the European Union and member of the Design 2020 Vision Group of the Danish Government. He is Member of the Court of the Royal College of Art since 1994. The main interest of his research work is related to the social, cultural and economic impacts of design. Professor Sotamaa has received the Chinese Government Friendship Award 2014, the Magnolia Award 2011 and over 30 other Finnish and international recognitions for his outstanding achievements in design.”