Survey: Uncovering the Ground for Design

DESIGN Maturity

Ornamo’s Design Maturity Survey is gathering insights about the current state of in-house design in Finland. The results will be published during Service Design Global Conference in Helsinki October 2–4, 2024.

During the last decades, the use of design has expanded and design is used in more and more industries. From designing physical products to shaping digital interfaces and branding strategies, design encompasses a wide range of disciplines. Whether it’s product design, user or customer experience design, interior architecture, or strategic design, each form of design contributes uniquely to innovation and problem-solving within organizations.

This survey helps in-house designers find ways to increase design maturity in their organization. We will examine the level of design maturity in different organizations, how design is utilized, and how these aspects may influence each other. Your response will enable us to form and share a comprehensive picture of the role and impact of design across various industries in Finland, as well as provide support for increasing design maturity.

This survey is for you if you are currently working e.g. as an in-house designer in a company or public administration using design and are familiar with the design activities done in your organization. You can work for example in some design position, design lead or in the top management. This survey is not for you if you are working for example in a design agency. 

The responses are given from personal perspective and do not need to reflect the whole organization’s collective vision about the topic. 

The maturity survey has three sections:

Design Maturity: This section aims to assess the design maturity within organizations. It explores the use of design maturity models, actions taken to enhance design maturity and challenges faced in increasing design maturity.

The Use of Design: This section aims to understand how organizations manage and allocate their design tasks as well as how design activities are organized. It investigates who handles design tasks, where design decisions are made within the company and the staff groups involved in design tasks. Additionally, it inquires the use of in-house and external designers such as the types of design tasks managed internally versus externally, and the circumstances under which external design services are utilized.

The Value of Design: This section aims to evaluate the perceived impact of design on an organization’s financial performance. It seeks to understand the degree to which design affects the company’s bottom line, how it has influenced financial outcomes, and the ways in which design creates value for the company.

The survey is partly are based on the Design Delivers 2018 report by Danish Design Centre. 

Answer the survey now – answering to the survey takes maximum 10 minutes. The results will be published in the Service Design Global Conference in Helsinki, October 2024 and on Ornamo’s website.

Additional information

Emmi Putkonen
Research and Development Manager