Ornamo’s eElection is now live—watch the election debate recording and cast your vote!

This fall, Ornamo’s board elections will decide the chairperson and board members. Get to know the candidates, watch the election debate, and shape the future of Ornamo. The eVote platform is open until November 17th!

The candidates for Ornamo’s board membership are Zeynep Falay von Flittner, Founder of the Falay Transition Design collective and Designer; Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä, Creative Director and Entrepreneur; Reetta Hiltunen, Art Printmaker and Pattern Designer; Heidi Paavilainen, Head of the Design and Fashion program at Aalto University; and Linda Vanni, Service Designer at Metsähallitus.

Running for the position of Ornamo’s chairperson are Designer and Doctoral Researcher Niko Räty, and Katja Soini, Strategy and Sustainability Director at Afry.

Ornamo Election Debate

A virtual election debate for the candidates was held on Wednesday, November 6th, 2024. During the debate, candidates introduced themselves and shared their views on how to develop Ornamo’s activities. The recording is in Finnish, with some sections in English. The recording is approximately 75 minutes long. You can watch the recording via the link below.

The candidates respond to the questions in alphabetical order, starting with the chairperson candidates. Below is a timeline breakdown of their answers.

1.) Kerro itsestäsi ja mikä motivoi hakemaan hallitukseen? | Tell about yourself. What has motivated you to run as a board member?

(1.45) Niko Räty
(3.35) Katja Soini
(6.00) Zeynep Falay von Flittner
(8.21) Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä
(10.31) Reetta Hiltunen
(13.16) Heidi Paavilainen
(17.25) Linda Vanni

2.) Miten näet muotoilualan tällä hetkellä? Millaisia haasteita koet, että muotoilualalla on? | How do you see the design industry at the moment? What challenges are there?

(21.20) Niko Räty
(24.13) Katja Soini
(30.06) Zeynep Falay von Flittner
(35.25) Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä
(38.26) Reetta Hiltunen
(43.13) Heidi Paavilainen
(48.28) Linda Vanni

3.) Minkä koet olevan Ornamon tärkein tehtävä? Mihin suuntaan haluaisit kehittää Ornamon toimintaa? | What is the most important goal of Ornamo? How would you develop Ornamo and its activities?

(52.35) Niko Räty
(55.08) Katja Soini
(58.01) Zeynep Falay von Flittner
(1.01.10) Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä
(1.03.00) Reetta Hiltunen
(1.06.32) Heidi Paavilainen
(1.09.40) Linda Vanni

How to Vote in the 2024 Board Election

In Ornamo’s board election, voting rights are granted to full members who were accepted as members at least eight (8) weeks before the autumn meeting. A list of all eligible voters is available for viewing at Ornamo’s office on Tuesdays from 10 AM to 4 PM.

The board election consists of two stages: the chairperson election and the board member election. To vote in both, you will need to authenticate yourself twice—once for each election.

How to vote in the Chairperson election:

1. Go to https://sahkoinenvaali.fi/e-vote/
2. Authenticate using the email address or phone number you have provided to Ornamo. You will receive an authentication code via email or text message. Enter the code to proceed with voting.
3. Select the election you wish to vote in first from the menu.
4. The voting page will then wait for the authentication code, which will be sent to your email or your phone depending on your authentication method.
5. Enter or copy the authentication code onto the voting page and confirm your identity.
6. The voting page will display the candidates: Niko Räty and Katja Soini.
7. Check the box next to the candidate you want to vote for. In the Chairperson election, you have one vote, and abstention is not allowed.
8. Confirm your choice by clicking “Accept Vote.”
9. Your vote is successful when the page displays: “Thank you for voting.”
10. Return to the login page, authenticate again, and you will be able to vote in the second election.

How to vote in the Board Member election:

1. Go to https://sahkoinenvaali.fi/e-vote/
2. Authenticate using the email address or phone number you have provided to Ornamo. You will receive an authentication code via email or text message. Enter the code to proceed with voting.
3. Select three (3) candidates you wish to vote for. In the Board Member election, you must cast exactly three (3) votes; abstention is not allowed, and you cannot give more than one vote to any candidate.
4. Confirm your selected votes.
5. You will see a summary of your chosen candidates. Press “Accept Vote” to finalize.

I cannot vote electronically. What should I do?
For members who cannot vote electronically, voting will be available at the Ornamo office on November 20th from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Address: Annankatu 16 B 35-36, 4th floor.

When will the election results be announced?
The Election Committee will count the votes and announce the results at the Ornamo General Autumn Meeting on November 20th. The meeting will be held online via the Zoom platform. You are warmly welcome to join the meeting – register by clicking the button below!