
Ornamo is the voice, community, and support network for design professionals. We want every designer to achieve the kind of professional identity that they are proud of and that society values.

Ornamo community

Inspiration, support and meetings! The largest design community in Finland invites you to share, learn and create new meaningful contacts. Welcome to join our multidisciplinary group of experts and take advantage of its benefits.

Ornamo is a community of designers and a platform for activities, which offers a great framework for building connections with a wide network of colleagues and mapping design expertise. Together we learn, network, hold each other’s sides.

Our community of 3,000 members includes industrial designers, interior architects, ceramicists, textile, fashion and packaging designers, artisans and artists. More and more also service designers, experts in digital design and user interface designers.

Join the Community

Get involved through events, interest groups and workshops.


Habitare Fair

Habitare on Pohjoismaiden johtava huonekalu-, muotoilu- ja sisustustapahtuma. Ornamo on Habitaren virallinen yhteistyökumppani. Habitare tarjoaa elämyksiä ja ideoita sisustamiseen sekä kodin ja tilojen toiminnallisuuteen…

Ornamo International Circle

We invite our members to join the discussion and networking within the international community at Ornamo.  Member event: Ornamo International Circle 22.5.2024 at 16:00-17:30…

Ornamo Ekskursio: Eduskuntatalo muotoilijan silmin

Ornamon kesäretkellä tutustutaan Eduskuntaloon ja sen arkkitehtuuriin ja esineistöön. Jäsentapahtuma: Ornamo Ekskursio to 13.6.2024 klo 14:00-16:00 Tapahtuma on tällä hetkellä täynnä. Ilmoitamme mahdollisista peruutuspaikoista…

Share your idea and get involved

Miia Pöytälaakso
Advisor, Brand & Community

+358 44 729 9333