Upcoming competitions
On this page you can find information about current and upcoming competitions for designers
Heart of Helsinki student competition
To develop the city centreThe City of Helsinki, in cooperation with Aalto University, the University of Helsinki and the Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce, will organise the Heart of Helsinki student competition to strengthen the vitality of the city centre. The competition is aimed at students, to encourage to look broadly at the city centre and come up with creative ideas for solving its key challenges. The competition seeks new views and ideas on the role of the city centre, as well as its strengths and development areas. The competition starts on 13 September 2023 and entries must be submitted by 16 January 2024.
New visual look for trains 23.8.–20.11.2023
Design professionals and students, VR is now looking for a new visual look for trains through an idea competition, organized with Ornamo Art and Design Finland. VR wants to update the livery of the trains so that they are inspiring, long-lived and brand-wise recognisable and help the customer find the services they need. The best idea will end up taped to the side of the train for all train passengers to admire!
European Prize for Applied Arts 2024
This competition is for all artists working in the field of applied arts and crafts, residing in a country member of the Customs Union from the European Union and not subject to customs charges for transport to and from Belgium. Competition deadline is 14.01.2024.